Our story.

I created the Russell Brooks Foundation in partnership with the Community Leadership Institute Class of 2022 of the North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce In. honor of my father Russell Brooks, who passed away while battling Cancer in 2019. 

Two days before our last Christmas together I saw my father breakdown emotionally because of his inability and desire to give to his loved ones over the holidays. Seeing him in this state of mind was heartbreaking and something I wanted to help him overcome. There was an immediate change in his spirit when he realized he was going to be able to have a gift under the tree for each of his family members.  Helping him overcome this stress was very gratifying, but the true blessing happened on Christmas day, when my father was laughing, smiling, and enjoying what would become our last Christmas together.  It was this interaction with my father that sparked my mission to develop The Russell Brooks Foundation.

Austin Brooks

Founder and President